3 common hearing problems and what to do about them

Published 19 October 2017  | Updated 16 May 2024  | 4 mins read

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You’re likely to have come across this article in a moment of curiosity, or concern, about what has caused the recent problem with your hearing. Whether it’s the constant ringing your hearing, or why everyone is suddenly mumbling, we understand that any kind of hearing loss can initially be difficult to cope with, but the treatments available at The Hearing Care Partnership, from ear wax removal to digital hearing aids, will leave you feeling reassured in no time.

It’s important to say that some issues with your ears will require a visit to your GP, although most problems can be diagnosed by a qualified audiologist. You can also see our FAQ ‘What Causes Hearing Loss’ for a more extensive introduction to hearing impairment, although generally speaking it can be narrowed down to these three most common factors:

Sensorineural Hearing Loss

Also known as presbycusis, sensorineural hearing loss is one of the most common forms of hearing loss in the UK. We have tiny sensory hair cells in our ears called stereocilia, which are responsible for detecting sound waves.

Normally, the damage is due to the wear and tear of everyday life, and is a natural part of ageing, which is why older people are often diagnosed with this condition. If you are diagnosed with presbycusis, it is nothing to worry about – although the effects can’t be reversed, hearing aids are usually prescribed to prevent it from worsening and improve the quality of your hearing. The Hearing Care Partnership will even offer a free trial of hearing aids so you can see what you’ve been missing!


Trying to clean your ears yourself with objects such as cotton buds can make the problem of ear wax worse. Inserting anything into your ears will push earwax deeper into your ear canal, which can block sound waves, and in severe cases you can even perforate your eardrum.
You should only ever let a trained professional remove your earwax, as trying to do it yourself can cause more harm than good. Your local audiologist at The Hearing Care Partnership can offer an ear wax removal service. This can be done in a variety of ways, depending on the severity of your ear wax build up.


Tinnitus is thought to affect approximately 10% of the UK population, and can be recognised by any noise within the head or ears that has no external source. Tinnitus is most commonly described as sounding like a ringing in your ears, but it can also sound like a buzzing or rushing.

There’s no exact cause for tinnitus, but it has been linked to exposure to loud noise, stress, age-related hearing loss, and other ear conditions. Temporary tinnitus is also common if you have a cold, or have just been to a loud event such as concerts or gigs. Despite not having a ‘cure’, many solutions are available to make living with the condition easier. Tinnitus can also be related to other conditions of the ear, including hearing loss, so come and see an expert THCP audiologist for a tinnitus consultation.

Here to help

It can be unnerving to discuss any health concerns you have, especially when it is impacting your everyday life. The Hearing Care Partnership’s fully-qualified audiologists prioritise your comfort and will help find the hearing care solution that is right for you, letting you get the most out of your hearing. If you’d like more information on any of our services and would like to speak to one of our professional audiologists, you can contact us to book a free hearing assessment online or call your local branch.