5 reasons to support your hearing health

Published 03 April 2023  | Updated 16 May 2024  | 4 mins read

Our hearing is often taken for granted whilst it’s working, and for many of us, it’s not something that we pay much attention to until we start experiencing issues with it. Looking after our hearing means that we can continue to enjoy all the things we love to the full, feeling part of the conversation and, most importantly, keeping connected.

When we first experience hearing loss, knowing what to do to help ourselves and why we should do it can be confusing at times, but often it’s the small changes that can make the biggest difference. So here are our top 5 reasons to support your hearing health.

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1. Protect your brain

Did you know that the sooner we treat our hearing loss, the more of our brain we can protect, and the risk of dementia is reduced? [1] In fact, we can reduce the risk of dementia by up to a third if we make healthy changes to our lifestyle and treat our hearing loss early.

So if you have been advised by an audiologist that you need hearing aids, or perhaps it’s not something you’ve considered yet, the sooner you find an aid that works for you, the more of your brain you can protect.

Want to find out more about how hearing aids can help you? Book an appointment with one of our friendly audiologists today!

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2. Protect your relationships

Hearing loss can have a huge impact on the relationships we have with our nearest and dearest. A study from the Royal National Institute for Deaf People (RNID) has revealed that hearing loss can change what we decide to share with our friends and family, and can result in us avoiding social situations or no longer feeling part of the conversation [2].

It’s important to remember that barriers to communication are not only experienced by those of us with hearing loss, but by those who we spend time with and care for us. It has been shown that feelings of isolation, frustration and social withdrawal can be an all-too-common experience for the partners of people with hearing loss. [3]

Wearing a hearing aid not only benefits our own well-being, but also improves our ability to communicate effectively with our loved ones.

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3. Act sooner rather than later

On average, people wait 10 years before seeking help or advice for their hearing loss, but the early treatment of hearing loss makes it easier and faster for people to adapt to using their hearing aids. Many people say they wish they had acted sooner.

Every time you pop on your hearing aids, you are maintaining your brain health and acting against age-related conditions, such as Alzheimer’s. Although there are some factors that are out of our control when it comes to our brain health, there are many factors that we do have influence over. Through making the right lifestyle changes such as wearing hearing aids, we can slow down or halt the progression of such age-related changes and keep an active mind for longer.

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4. Hearing Technology

When we listen, our ears are collecting valuable information from the world around us, and sending it to the brain to decipher. Just like us, our brains are unique, so we are here to find the right hearing aids for you – that fit well and reconnect you with your wider world.

Hearing aid technology has advanced in leaps and bounds over the years. Gone are the days of beige and bulky hearing aids – these days they are smaller, smarter and designed to be discreet and comfortable.

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5. Hearing Care Packages

Here at The Hearing Care Partnership, we understand that your hearing needs don’t just stop after you purchase hearing aids. That’s why we offer complete Hearing Care Packages, so you’ve got everything you need from the moment you walk out of the door.

From batteries and servicing to annual hearing tests and aftercare, you can rest assured that our expert team will be there to support you with your new aids from day one. We work with you to provide the best levels of care and personal service so you can make the most of your hearing and keep living life to the full.

Want to find out more?

If you’d like to find out more about how to look after your hearing, or how we can help with hearing loss, why not book a FREE hearing assessment today? You can call us on 0800 52 00 546 or book an appointment online.

[1] https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-40655566

[2] RNID, The impact of hearing loss on personal relationships

[3] Echalier, 2010; Wallhagen et al, 2004