Can your ears keep fit?

Published 03 March 2023  | Updated 16 May 2024  | 3 mins read

The makers of the Oticon HearingFitness app think so.

These days, we’re used to fitness trackers like Fitbits and Apple Watches on our wrists. They carefully count our steps, gently nudge us to stay active throughout the day and help us to live a healthier lifestyle. But imagine an equally helpful app for our hearing?

Meet the Oticon HearingFitness app. It’s a clever little app that works with Oticon hearing aids to help you hear better.

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It lets you set hearing goals like how long you’ll use your hearing aids for each day. It also determines what kind of settings work best in the listening environments you’re in – from a noisy café to your living room, a lively family get together to a peaceful night in.

It also works with any smart devices you have to help you see the bigger picture of your health – from heart rates to sleep patterns. It puts you firmly in control of your wellbeing.

Create helpful habits

“The HearingFitness app helps people with hearing loss understand how their hearing health habits can influence how effective their treatment is,” explains Charlotte Jones, Head of Audiology, The Hearing Care Partnership.

“Hearing plays a huge role in people’s overall health and well-being, and HearingFitness, paired with Oticon’s aids, encourages routine use of hearing aids to improve hearing and the ability to engage in social settings. The app empowers users to learn about their hearing and take charge of their long-term health and well-being through their hearing habits.”


Stay connected

Of course, looking after your hearing means you’re looking after your wider health and wellbeing too. When we hear better, we’re more confident and open to connecting with others.

At social gatherings, or simply with friends, we don’t feel out of the loop or wish we didn’t have to ask people to repeat themselves, or worse still, mis-hear what’s being said. That’s because hearing aids help us to be part of the conversation and stay connected at all levels.

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Interacting with others keeps our brains active, strengthens our social connections and keeps our mental faculties sharp. This in turn reduces the risk of hearing loss-related dementia. Studies show that, by taking control of our hearing health early (in mid-life), we can potentially reduce the risk of dementia more than any other action – including quitting smoking and exercising more.[1]

Some would say it’s hearing care for a digital generation. Whichever way you look at it, it’s never been easier to take control of your hearing and wellbeing – to live life to the full.

Download the Oticon ON App on the Apple App Store.

Download the Oticon ON App on Google Play.

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Come and see us

For more information on Oticon’s incredible advanced hearing aid technology, why not pay us a visit? Our expert audiologists will be happy to help. Call our Dedicated Patient Support team on 0800 52 00 546 or book online below.

[1] Livingstone et al, 2017